Foal Registration

Since 1906, the CTHS National has been the Official Registrar for all Thoroughbreds born in Canada under the Animal Pedigree Act. Canadian-breds must be dual registered with both The Jockey Club (TJC) and the CTHS in order to make them eligible to run in Canadian restricted races, provincial restricted races and participate in Provincial Incentive Programs.

Complete details on foal registrations can be found on their website at then select Registrations – A Review v4. 

Step 1 - Live Foal Report

The first step in the registration process is to submit a live foal report to The Jockey Club (TJC) within 30 days of foaling. This will inform TJC that a foal has been born and a Registration/DNA Application Kit needs to be issued. 

You can report a live foal direct to TJC or you can contact the CTHS to assist you.

Jockey Club Online Registry

Step 2 - Completing Registration/DNA Application Kit

Registration/DNA Application Kits are sent from TJC no earlier than approximately 4 months after the foal’s date of birth. Foals must be registered within exactly one year of their date of birth in order to avoid late fees.

When the kit is received, the TJC requires you to:

  • Provide DNA via a hair sample
  • Implant a Microchip
  • Take photos to identify the foal
  • Document the foal’s markings including cowlicks
  • Provide the Stallion Service Certificate
  • Submit Registrations Fees

The fees and registration application can be submitted online through TJC’s Registry or by completing the paper form included in your kit. If you are completing the registration application via the printed form you can mail it to TJC, mail it to the CTHS National Office or if you need assistance you can visit our offices.

Within 1 year deadline $84.75 (includes $9.75 HST)
After 1 year headline to December 31 of current year $226 (includes $26.00 HST)
By December 31 of 2-year-old year $226 (includes $26.00 HST)
After 2-year-old year $226 (includes $26.00 HST)

Step 3 - Registering as a Canadian-bred

CTHS Membership

The CTHS asks Breeders registering a foal be members of the CTHS with a completed & signed Membership Form on file and applicable fees paid. You may register your foal(s) as a non-member, however, the fee is significantly higher.

Canadian Registration Fee

The fee is $75.00 plus $9.75 HST totalling $84.75/horse before the one-year deadline. After the one-year deadline the fee increases to $226.00/horse.

Canadian-bred Declaration Form

This form is enclosed with the Registration/DNA Application kit from TJC. The form needs to be completed, signed and returned to the CTHS National Office.

Provincial Requirements

To gain Provincial Status foals born in Ontario require the Ontario Resident Mare Declaration Form be completed, signed by the Breeder and submitted. If someone other than the Breeder is completing this form, then an Authorized Agent form signed by the Breeder is required to be on file with Ontario Racing. - Foals born in Provinces other than where the breeder/owner resides require the Out of Province Foaling Certificate be completed, signed and submitted.

All forms managed by the CTHS can be found on-line at the CTHS National Office website, under the forms section.

Those wishing to complete the Ontario Resident Mare Declaration Form should visit Ontario Racing’s website to download the form:

Step 4 - Registration Certificates

TJC Digital Registration Certificates

Starting with the 2018 foal crop, Jockey Club Registration Certificates will be issued digitally. That means that there will be no paper certificate issued for foal crops of 2018 and on. The CTHS will be issuing paper certificates but will be going digital in the future. A digital Certificate will look like the original paper Jockey Club/Canadian Certificates, only it will be on the computer in digital form.

TJC Certificate Manager

Your Digital Certificate, when issued, will be assigned to the authorized “Digital Certificate Manager” as indicated on the Registration Application under the heading “Certificate Management”. ∙ On the Registration Application, this is Section E. Digital Certificate Manager. This is the name and address of the person to receive the certificate, just like it was previously with the paper certificate, only now it is digital. This person will need an Interactive Registration (IR) Account with The Jockey Club. If you or your authorized agent have already been submitting the registration applications on-line, naming on-line, etc., it is the same account. If you do not have an account, you will need to sign up for one on The Jockey Club website. Go to: and then click on “Sign Up” and follow the instructions. If someone other than yourself will be managing the Digital Certificate on your behalf, you will need their IR account username, name and other information. If someone other than yourself is submitting the Registration Application on your behalf, they will need your IR account username, name and other information. The Digital Certificate(s) will NOT BE ISSUED until a Certificate Manager is named.

CTHS Certificates

The CTHS will be going digital in the future but will be issuing Paper Canadian Certificates until further notice.

Registration Guide

A step-by-step guide of how to register your Canadian-born foals, including the Jockey Club Digital Certificates, can be downloaded here:

Download Registration Guide

Watch the video below for more detailed information on the Jockey Club Digital Certificate program:

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