About CTHS

Founded in 1906, the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society (CTHS) was incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act as the official registry of Thoroughbred horses in Canada.

The CTHS (Ontario Division) and its membership are a major part of the agriculture community in Ontario- our goal is to ensure a viable future for our members by providing assistance and developing programs to ensure that future.

Our mandate is to promote the purchase of Ontario Thoroughbreds, keep records, organize sales, disseminate information, compile statistics and assist our membership with registration.

Objective and Purpose

  • To assist and afford a means for the promotion of the interests of those engaged in the breeding of Thoroughbreds, to protect its members against unbusinesslike methods, to disseminate information for its members and others, and to secure uniformity in usage and business conditions.
  • To satisfy the demands for racing stock within the province by encouraging more people to participate in the breeding industry
  • To encourage those in the breeding industry to upgrade their facilities and management of stock.
  • To establish the credibility of horses foaled in Ontario on the International market.
  • To sponsor, assist and conduct sales of Thoroughbred stock.
  • To compile statistics of the industry

All of the above roles are for the purpose of encouraging the ownership and breeding of Thoroughbreds in Canada.

The CTHS is managed by a Board of Directors elected by members to represent six regions across Canada. Each region is also managed by a Board of Directors.

Both National and Regional boards are subdivided into several committees. An executive committee - made up of the President, 1st Vice President they are responsible for specific matters as delegated by the Board.

Other committees set up by the elected Board are a Finance Committee, Sales Committee, Marketing Committee etc.

Board Members

Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society (Ontario Division)


David Anderson

(Chair, Sales Committee.  Chair, Executive Committee.  National Board Member)

Vice Presidents

Colleen Dalos

(Chair, Marketing Committee.  Executive Committee Member.  National Board Member)

Doug Anderson

(Chair, Finance and Governance.  Executive Committee Member)


John Burness

John Carey

Frank DiGuiio Jr.

Arika Meusse

Michael Kemp

Bernard McCormack

Ericka Rusnak

Glenn Sikura

(Executive Committee Member.  National Board Member)

General Manager

Catherine Ciupa

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